Class Announcements
Lots of information will be shared with students at AHS!
Please use the tabs below to find and click your grade level for some announcements or general information.
Graduation Updates
2025 Grad Fee Update
Class of 2025 and guardians,
Thanks to everyone who took advantage of our Early Bird graduation fee price! Almost 80% of the senior class paid their fee before it went up on October 1. The graduation fee is currently $200 through November. Beginning December 1, a $25 late fee will be added bringing it to $225.
The graduation fee includes:
- venue (Ameris Amphitheatre)
- tickets (total number/student TBD)
- cap, gown, & tassel
- diploma cover
- class pin
- and more
ACTION: Visit to pay the fee online. For step-by-step instructions on how to pay, click HERE.
Please note: the graduation fee is separate from the PTSA Senior Events dues and does NOT include the class yard sign and t-shirt. To pay that fee please visit the PTSA website: Alpharetta High School PTSA - Senior Events 2025 (
Counseling Updates
Getting Ahead
During the next couple of weeks, we encourage seniors to use SuperMatch to conduct a college search and start building your “Colleges I’m Thinking About” and “Colleges I’m Applying To lists.” Additionally, seniors can start researching a database of Scholarships and begin creating a list of scholarships they will apply for. Seniors can use the following guides to get started:
- Research Colleges w/Naviance
- Build Your College List w/ Naviance
- Researching Careers w/Naviance
- Creating Your Scholarship List
We hope the provided resources are helpful. Seniors should contact their school counseling department at the start of the school year regarding questions about Naviance Student and or the college application process.
College Application Process
Applying to College is Easy as 1, 2, 3! Currently all students, grades 9-12, have access to Naviance, an online college and career readiness platform that helps students find their best-fit path after high school.
Naviance Student allows you to:
- Get involved in the planning and advising process – Build a resume, complete online surveys, and manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers
- Research colleges – Compare GPA, standardized test scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from our school for students who have applied and been admitted in the past
- Research careers – Research hundreds of careers and career clusters, and take career assessments
- Create plans for the future – Create goals and to-dos, and complete tasks assigned to you by the school to better prepare yourself for your future college and career goals
Applying to College
While Naviance will continue to be used to research and plan for college, for the 2023-2024 school year, students will apply to college using the following platforms:
- Common Application
- Coalition
- GaFutures
- Common Black College Application
- Individual College Application Portal (visit school’s admissions website)
Requesting Transcripts
Many of the abovementioned college application platforms will allow school counselor to upload high school transcript. Therefore, students will not have to request transcripts outside of the application platform. However, if/when needed, students can request transcripts here via ScribOrder.
Senior Advisement Presentation
Hello Class of 2025!
We are so excited to kick off your senior year. Please watch the video in it’s entirety as there is a lot of information.
- Please watch the Senior Presentation
- Review your transcript in IC and email your counselor if you have concerns. Transcripts will be loaded to GA Futures (HOPE scholarship) in September. IMPORTANT: To be eligible for the HOPE Scholarship in Georgia, students must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen
- Schedule your Senior Advisement Meeting with your Counselor. Use the appropriate link below: