"Raider Recommends"
Got an idea? Have a question? Want to raise a concern?
Submit your thoughts/feedback using the form below.
"Raider Recommends" Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey/feedback form. Responses to submissions will be posted on this page below within 24–48 hours of the form being submitted. If you do not see a response to a submission you made, please contact Andrew Bolin.
IDEA Responses Received
IDEA RAISED: Please bring back the spreadsheet with teachers' subjects, emails, websites, and more. It was very helpful.
RESPONSE: Thank you for this idea. The district has made some shifts in website structuring. Due to this restructuring,
- Teacher Subjects - are no longer listed as part of the teacher's title.
- Teacher Emails - can be found by searching the teacher's name in the search box.
- Teacher Websites - have gone away as the district now requires high school teachers to utilize Canvas. To join as a Parent Observer, please follow these instructions.
IDEA RAISED: It would be awesome if the AHS feeder schools could be more included in homecoming week in the future. Maybe a parade or family tailgate or something to build community and get future Raiders excited about AHS.
RESPONSE: Thank you for this idea. It has been shared with relevant leaders in our building involved in Homecoming and planning.
IDEA RAISED: Can the senior picture photographers have 1 day on-site at AHS to facilitate students taking their yearbook pictures? Parents would still need to reserve a time slot but would be more convenient and ensure all students are in the yearbook.
RESPONSE: Seniors who have not scheduled a session at Legacy Studios, Legacy will be on AHS's campus on Wednesday, November 20 and Thursday, November 21 to take senior portraits. The sitting fee is $25. Contact Legacy Studios to schedule an appointment.
IDEA RAISED: The 10 minute sessions didn't give the teachers enough time to present their material. The teachers spent time putting together very thorough presentations, but many seemed rushed to get through the material. Some teachers sent them out via email, which was nice, but I think extending each session by even 5 mins would help them. I know they were longer in years past and that a change was made this year to shorten them. I do appreciate the admin putting on this event because it's important to know what's going on in each class and put a face with the name for each teacher on my child's schedule.
RESPONSE: Thank you for sharing feedback and engaging with our team. We are currently gathering opinions from both staff and our community and will utilize that information as we begin planning Curriculum Night for 2025.
IDEA RAISED: Volunteer options for students: school cleanup days and seniors paint the auditorium walls in fine arts building with class theme.
RESPONSE: Thank you for sharing your idea! If you are interested in leading a project like this, we welcome student leaders! Please stop by and speak with Mr. Bolin in Suite 1255 for more information.
IDEA RAISED: My freshman year of high school, I noticed two dead birds outside the large glass window of the main building foyer. Other businesses, non-profits, and schools have applied bird-deterrent window film that helps to prevent these collisions. With Alpharetta high school's modern infrastructure, I believe the school should consider purchasing and installing this dotted film to support nature in the community.
RESPONSE: Thank you for sharing your idea! The school district is investing in the application of shatterproof film on the windows.
IDEA RAISED: Most FCS and Forsyth schools have a season pass option for sports can we please get with the times and offer this in 24-25. Technology is there no excuse to take advantage of having the $$ earlier in the season vs game by game.
RESPONSE: Thank you for sharing your idea! The athletic director is aware of this and is reviewing to determine next steps.
CONCERN Responses Received
CONCERN RAISED: I am concerned about the lack of streetlights on campus. The road around the perimeter of the school is especially dark so with foot traffic and young drivers on campus, it is extremely unsafe.
RESPONSE: Alpharetta High School Administration is working with the School Governance Council and other necessary stakeholders. To date:
- SGC funded exterior lighting, which was added during the 2023-2024 school year.
- FCS removed trees and all other growth from the entire campus to maximize current lighting.
- Additional upgrades and changes are being considered. For more information, please continue to monitor the AHS website or join an SGC meeting.
CONCERN RAISED: Concern was raised about the availability of paper for classroom teachers.
Balancing our operational budget while supporting student learning and appropriate staffing is a significant challenge. As operational and personnel costs continue to rise, the funding we receive per student has remained static for several years.
In April 2024, we began addressing this issue by focusing on paper consumption. Instructional leaders were provided with a list of budgetary items that would be reduced or eliminated for this school year. Discussions on paper use continued during our summer leadership retreat and were a key topic in pre-planning meetings with teachers. Teachers were specifically encouraged to implement paper conservation strategies in their classrooms.
To make the best use of our fiscal resources and remain environmentally conscious, we have reduced our paper budget. While departmental instructional budgets have not changed, we are testing a more cost-effective brand of paper in hopes of extending our resources further.
Teachers who can demonstrate a quantifiable need for paper will receive individual support. Additionally, we welcome community donations to help supplement our paper supplies.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work through these adjustments to provide the best educational experience for our students and always encourage open and transparent communication.
CONCERN RAISED: The school had metal detectors and then they were removed. Can you share the plan for that?
RESPONSE: The metal detectors are a district initiative and are implemented throughout the district. For more information, please click HERE to view the communication from Principal Scheifflee.
CONCERN RAISED: There is a lot of traffic at morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. Faculty parking spots are being used by visiting guests or parents dropping off their children or waiting to pick them up.
RESPONSE: Parents, we acknowledge the traffic concerns. We would recommend arriving earlier in the morning or arriving earlier in the afternoon to get a better spot in the waiting line queue. However, we ask that you please NOT park in faculty parking spots as those are reserved for members of our faculty and staff who must be on campus.
CONCERN RAISED: Concern was raised about how the staff and students communicate with each other.
RESPONSE: We acknowledge this concern that was raised. We will address it with AHS Faculty, but we will ask parents to also speak to their children about the appropriate methods of communication towards staff members.
CONCERN RAISED: For pep rallies, there are always a few themes that everyone likes, but others are not favorites. Pep rallies are very short and not appealing to the students.
RESPONSE: We acknowledge this concern and welcome any and all feedback from students. If you have an interest in helping to plan a pep rally or offer up ideas, please contact Letitiah Etheridge, Student Council Advisor.
CONCERN RAISED: Please unblock MDN Web Docs as AP Computer Science students utilize this tool.
RESPONSE: Thank you for bringing this to our attention. FCS policy sets forth specific guidelines for asking the district to unblock specific domains. We will explore that process and determine if this can be done.
CONCERN RAISED: Teachers at AHS do not include their class, school, or subject in their emails. This makes it very difficult to manage correspondence in multi-child households.
RESPONSE: Thank you for sharing this information with us. At our next faculty meeting, we will be sure to relay this to our staff.
CONCERN RAISED: Please check the garbage and grounds by the baseball barn/softball field.
RESPONSE: Thank you for this submission. We have notified our custodial staff and the Assistant Principal over school maintenance.
QUESTION Responses Received
QUESTION RECEIVED: I know student pictures were taken early in the year for ID badges, but I don't remember seeing the notice to purchase those school pictures. Is there another upcoming official picture day? Or did I miss it this year? :( Is there still an opportunity to purchase the photos from earlier this year.
RESPONSE: Retakes are scheduled for Monday, October 7th from 9 am until 1:00 pm. If pictures were taken in August, you should be able to find them on Legacy's website using the student's ID number.
This is a reminder that Picture Retake Day is scheduled for this Monday, October 7, 2024. Legacy photographers will be here from 8:45 AM until 1:30 PM. If your child was absent or you would like to retake their school photos, this is a great opportunity to do so.
Please ensure that your child is prepared and dressed appropriately for the retakes. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us or our adviser, Mrs. Flowers at flowersr1@fultonschools.org
Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to seeing those smiles!
QUESTION RECEIVED: How do I get a new Student ID card?
RESPONSE: Students can request a new Student ID card by completing the Microsoft Form found HERE. Once the request is submitted, a new Student ID card will be delivered to one of your classes within 48 hours of the request.